Estimated above ground plant biomass for the tundra biome in kilograms per square meter. Based on trans-Arctic field data and AVHRR NDVI. Data provided by ORNL DAAC. === Original Data Source === Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation, Geobotanical, Physiographic Maps, 1982-2003 The broader data set provides the spatial distributions of vegetation types, geobotanical characteristics, and physiographic features for the circumpolar Arctic tundra biome for the period 1982-2003. Specific attributes include dominant vegetation, bioclimate subzones, floristic subprovinces, landscape types, lake coverage, Arctic treeline, elevation, and substrate chemistry data. Vegetation indices, trends, and biomass estimate products for the circumpolar Arctic through 2010 are also provided. QGreenland displays the 2010 vegetation biomass in kilograms per square meter. Users can look to the source information for additional data. Citation: Walker, D.A., and M.K. Raynolds. 2018. Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation, Geobotanical, Physiographic Maps, 1982-2003. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Citation URL: