ID-19 : Hindcast simulation for Arctic impacts on the mid-latitude climate
Hindcast simulation for Arctic impacts on the mid-latitude climate
Hindcast simulation using AGCM (AFES T79L56 version) forced by observational SST and sea ice variation is performed to estimate relative importance of the vertical coupling process and polar-tropics coupling process to the current climate change.
Model Characteristics
AFES4.1 version with T79 horizontal resolution and 56 vertical layers up to 60 km model top.
Computing Environment
Computation resource are provided by JAMSTEC Earth Simulator3.
Principal Investigator
Hiroyasu Hasumi
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Data Information
Model Name
Abstract (Brief description of the experiment contents (initial conditions, boundary conditions, etc.))
(1) This is the dataset simulated by high-top atmospheric model of which horizontal resolution is 150km-mesh and model-top height is about 60km. The temporally varying climate of the recent three decades (1979-2014) is simulated with historical observation dataset of monthly mean SST and SIC (Hurrel et al., 2008).
(2) A 30-member of full historical simulation (like AMIP) is done as control run. Additionally, as the perturbation run (sensitivity run), 30-member runs with fixed SST or fixed SIC interannula variation are performed.
(3) Comparison between control and perturbation runs can evaluate contributions of SST/SIC variations on the recent climate change.
(4) Total size of this dataset is 68 TB.
Temporal Extent
Begin Date | 1979-01-01 |
End Date | 2014-12-31 |
Temporal Characteristics | daily and monthly |
Geographic Bounding Box
North bound latitude | 90.0 |
West bound longitude | 0.0 |
Eastbound longitude | 360.0 |
South bound latitude | -90.0 |
GridDimension Name Dimension Size (slice number of the dimension) Resolution Unit row 240 1.5 (deg) column 120 T79 gaussian grid (deg) vertical 27 1000, 925, 850, 775, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 125, 100, 85, 70, 50, 30, 20, 15, 10, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1, 0.4 (hPa)
Dimension Name | Dimension Size (slice number of the dimension) | Resolution Unit |
row | 240 | 1.5 (deg) |
column | 120 | T79 gaussian grid (deg) |
vertical | 27 | 1000, 925, 850, 775, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 125, 100, 85, 70, 50, 30, 20, 15, 10, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1, 0.4 (hPa) |
Article (the article written using this data)
Ogawa, F., N. Keenlyside, Y. Gao, T. Koenigk, S. Yang, L. Suo, T. Wang, G. Gastineau, T. Nakamura, H. N. Cheung, N.-E. Omrani, J. Ukita, Evaluating impacts of recent Arctic sea-ice loss on the northern hemisphere winter climate change, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 3255–3263, doi:10.1002/2017GL076502.
Ogi, M., S. Rysgaard, D. G. Barber, T. Nakamura, and B. Taguchi, Is summer sea surface temperature over the Arctic Ocean connected to winter air temperature over North America?, Climate Research, 70, 19–27, doi:10.3354/cr01412.
Roll | Contact Person | Name | Nakamura Tetsu | Affiliation | Hokkaido University | Country | Japan | |
Data Registration
09:40 on Tue July 5, 2016
Last Update
02:38 on Tue July 2, 2019